Tag Archives: potential

What’s your joy?

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. – Carol Burnett

Just back from a simple gathering with a university friend. We’ve known each other for almost 13 years, from the very first day when we stepped into NTU.

Time passed by rather very quickly.

We’ve been in Singapore for almost 13 years.
We’ve been working for almost 9 years.

My friend said: “I was in the shower after gym one day. As the water ran down, I was thinking, ‘What has happened to my life all these years? What did I achieve? What do I have joy in doing?’

We took things for granted. When life is comfortable, we started cruising in our lives. We stopped learning. And we stopped taking risk. We stopped breaking through our comfort zone.

We aimed for easy, instead of growth. We aimed for comfort, instead of potential. We aimed for security, instead of abundance.

When we start to live our lives on auto-pilot, it is time that we stop living. It is time when we started drifting backwards. It is time where nothing is memorable anymore.

What’s the biggest regret of people? It is not the television drama that they missed out. Or the latest smartphone that they didn’t buy.

It was on the opportunity that they didn’t take. It was on the experience they didn’t dare to chase. It was on the love they are afraid to fall on.

Life is short, regardless of how you want to think otherwise. It is this mortality that stops us on the track, and to think, “What is really important for me?

What is important for you?
